The history of the Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op begins in the latter part of the 1970s. With an initiative and funding through the Alberta Government called the Rural Gas Program, combined with the determination and dedication of a few community minded individuals, and the beginnings of a number of Natural Gas Cooperatives throughout Alberta were sparked.
In the Central Peace area, these same community minded individuals became the first directors of the Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op. After three years of canvassing, a service area was developed, covering a vast area totalling 4246 square kilometers which stretches West to the BC/Alberta border, North to the Mighty Peace River, East to the Burnt River, and South to Burnt River.
The Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op started construction and pipeline installation in the fall of 1977, with the first natural gas beginning to flow through the facility in 1978. Since then, the Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op has flourished, having 1414 kilometers of pipe in the ground and providing natural gas, not only to rural residential members of the Central Peace, but also to commercial businesses, and fuel gas to the oilfield & industrial sector.
The Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op operates under the direction of 9 Board Members. The directors are elected on a rotating basis for a three year term, and are responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures in the operation of the Co-op.
Board meetings are held monthly and an Annual General Meeting is held in March or April of each year. Members are encouraged to voice their opinions and concerns to the Co-op. As well, members are encouraged to attend the annual meetings to stay up-to-date with the goings-on of the Co-op and have their say in its activities. The history of our Co-op is evolving, and you can be a part!
As a member owned Natural Gas Distribution Cooperative, the Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op strives to provide our membership with the best possible customer service at the lowest possible price.