Moving Out:
- Contact our office by phone (780) 864-3873 and provide moving out date, forwarding address, or email for final bill.
Moving In:
Please contact our office with the following information:
- Moving in date.
- Legal land description.
- Name of individual(s) or company to be put on the account.
- Contact information (mailing address, phone numbers, and email address)
Moving Out:
- Contact our office by phone (780) 864-3873, or email providing moving out date, and forwarding address.
Moving In:
Please contact our office with the following information:
- Possession date.
- Legal land description
- Name(s) as will be on the title.
- Contact information (mailing address, phone numbers, and email address).
- Copy of the current certificate of title (this may not be completed until well after the possession date).
- Annually established one time Replacement Contract Fee of $100 + GST. *Fee is payable when title has been submitted and contracts have been done.